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Tag Archives | first ski

Bolton: 1st ski on the MNC lighted loop!

Well, the Picnic trail at Bolton has existed for quite some time, so it’s tough to call it the first ski on this loop. BUT, with the immense amount of work our club has put in over the past 2 months this loop is starting to feel more and more like a new home for the club.

Without the rock removal, bridge building, weed trimming, branch cutting, and grade levelling MNC members carried out, there is no way we would have been able to ski groomed laps this week. With the exception of two large rocks that we’ll need a real excavator to remove, the loop is about as fine-tuned as possible for low-snow skiing and grooming, and we got the perfect initial test of that this week.

Human grooming!

6 inches fell Sunday into Monday, and on Monday night my friend Ben and I, along with Mike Millar, were up and in business with some homemade grooming devices. Nothing like a good strength workout of snowshoeing a few laps tugging an unweighted groomer, followed by a couple laps with rocks in the back to pack things down further!


On Tuesday, we woke up to even more snow as a further 8 inches hit Bolton. For those curious, the base area is at 2000′ so even with barely an inch in Burlington there was a full-on winter scene up on the Nordic trails. More grooming was in order, and on Tuesday afternoon the Juniors had an awesome training session. As night fell and we donned headlamps (read on to learn about how you can help install the lighted system THIS SUNDAY) masters skiers from MNC and just the surrounding area in general

began to appear. This was really happening!

But the real treat was Wednesday morning, when the skied-in and groomed-in snow had another cold night to set-up. Skiers for the 8am training session had nearly perfect mid-winter conditions. With a little creative shoveling, the loop held on for the afternoon session as long as you were ok with dodging the occasional grass patch.

With the loop in the best shape it has ever been in, and the first real skiing able to happen, we were able to glean some first impressions from what will become our new lighted loop:

  • Both the sunrise and sunset skiing is beautiful. With a western-facing high-point to start the loop off, you’re treated with beautiful light and views of the Adirondack sunset for the whole first half of the loop.
  • The loop flows well, especially in the general counter-clockwise direction. There is a sharp downhill curve to the right, and hairpin to the left, with your reward for this tricky section being a smooth and snaking V2 section that feels like true “hero skiing”.
  • The climb is tough, but perfect for this kind of loop. There is a steep climb out of the low-point, and once you reach the end of the steep section that parallels the access road, you are rewarded with smooth undulating grades that we are amazing for classic striding!

The sunsets are no joke here

While the snow is gone for now, the little taste we got makes us all the more excited for this winter.

You can check out on-snow photos from these couple of days in this album

You can check out the trail work before-the-snow in this album

Interested in installing the lights with us? Our mission will be to put up the remaining light posts on trees and then run this wire (below) to all of the posts as we prepare to flip the switch! 

Join the club at Bolton this coming Sunday, 11/8  at 9AMto help complete this big project! Bring work clothes, gloves, and some water!

On Wheels/On Snow

Throughout the week, the seemingly-endless precipitation changed from rain to sleet to snow…a few brave Juniors were shivering through classic intervals up Greystone on Tuesday morning, but were rewarded on Sunday when a pretty big crew got together for the first SNOW ski of the season.

First, a few clips from Greystone where some tough Pugs got out early to stride it out:

It only takes a few days, and a few degrees on the right side of 32, to make accumulation happen…and the mountains were capped in white by the end of the week. That meant it was time for our annual pilgrimage to Mt Mansfield for the first tracks of the season. We hiked up the Toll Rd, essentially doing the Stowe Derby backwards.

Stowe Derby, going UP!

After about half an hour of hiking, we reached the snow line and booted-up. Most were on fishscales, but for those that weren’t, coach of course had klister on-hand because nothing brings the excitement like applying klister for the first time this season! I say that literally: I was very pumped.

It was up, up, up through the switchbacks of the Toll Road…

Approaching the final turns

At the mid-station, we reached some flatter terrain. We did a few passes for the video camera, before setting up a short course for some mass start practices and relay races. After doing a lot of short speeds on rollerskis this week it was a good transition to hit the snow and remember how different some things can feel. Of course, we got enough footage to make an edit of the whole adventure from the hike at the bottom to the relay at the top, and the harrowing descent down in some icy crust conditions. Oh yeah, and Piecasso for lunch. East Coast skiing at its finest!

MNC Juniors and parents…don’t forget about the Apparel orders for this year (many due Oct 31st) and the Silent Auction! Links below:

Apparel Page

Silent Auction

First Classic Ski and Junior Trips Update

Well, despite the beautiful fluffy snow falling outside right now, there was significantly less to work with last week. Luckily, Craftsbury came through yet again with a great 1.1k snowmaking loop that basically had it all…steep climb, moderate climb, twisting curves, and flat straightaways. We headed up there on Saturday and had our first ski on real tracks with good snow: and of course klister!

It was a small group but we had a really productive first ski, getting in some drills and laps of both no-pole and one-pole skiing. Everyone initially agreed the wax wasn’t perfect for kicking…but I held my ground and said that we needed to practice being okay with imperfect kick and striving to make the best of it as a way to learn and gain confidence. Aidan probably had it the worst as I threw him on a hardwax cover to make things as fast as I could…I think it was a good experience though!

Season off to a good start!

Pastry goodies from Sweet Simone’s on the car ride home! Photo by Aidan

With the snow on the ground and the season about to get underway for real, it’s time to announce our final schedule and signups for Race Trips and Camps! This year we’re going to have 2 mid-winter travel events with group options: a Race Trip to the first Eastern Cup in Fort Kent (December 15-17), and a Team Camp in Lake Placid (Jan 5-7).

Registration is open for these camps at 7:00pm tonight (Monday, 11/20). More information and registration for each can be found at their respective Events pages on the website calendar:

Fort Kent Race Trip

Lake Placid Team Camp

Finally…if you did not check out some of the opening FIS races this past weekend, they can all be seen in their entirety on Youtube. Both Gallivare and Beitostolen races are up. For those interested in distance racing all of the longer races are absolutely worth a watch, but for a quick fix of intense action be sure to watch both the women’s and men’s classic sprint finals from Beito. Big attacks in both races making for some good motivation 🙂


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