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Juniors: Sprint Test findings

Yesterday we did a “sprint test” that measured athletes’ times over a short stretch of pavement.  The athletes did the test 3 times using V2, double-pole, and no-pole skate techniques. This is an idea I learned about from Rob Bradlee at CSU.

The idea is to compare data within the group and identify if certain athletes seem lacking in specific strength (upper- or lower-body) or coordination and technique. A slow double-pole time may indicate weakness in the upper-body. A (relatively) slow V2 time may indicate the athlete needs to work on coordination and technique.

This test is from a rolling start…if an athlete came into the 100m with a full head of steam, their time could be skewed significantly!

Here is the data:
Name, V2 time, Double Pole time, No Pole Skate time

Bill H, 13.5, 15.5, 17.6
Forrest, 13.0, 14.4, 14.9
Henry H, 12.2, 13.9, 15.3
Ben H, 13.5, 15.9, 14.7
Newt K, 16.0, 17.0, 18.2
Parker, 14.1, 15.9, 17.1
Emmett, 14.7, 16.0, 17.3
Sam L, 13.1, 15.4, 15.2
Nate K, 17.1, 19.7, 19.7 (J3)
Charlie, 20.3, 24.5, 20.9
Missy, 15.5, 17.7, 19.9
Cally, 17.8, 20.1, 22.0
Rachel, 18.2, 19.7, 19.9
Amy B, 17.4, 18.7, 20.4
Murray, 16.3, 18.5, 20.3

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