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BKL Practice Week of 1/08/18

2 & 3 Day Skiers:

Get ready for the January Thaw and warmer temps this week!

Thanks to those parents who have been Walker Building Monitors and hot cocoa makers! It has been so helpful to have you there! We need Walker Building Monitors for this week. Sign-up here: BKL Volunteer Sign-up

Tuesday: Classic

Thursday: Skate

Sunday: Meet at Rikert Touring Center at 9:30 with Skate Skis. It’s an Eastern Cup Weekend and Sunday is the distance skate race. We will watch the U-16 girls race and then go ski until about 11:30. Any MNC BKLer at the Eastern Cup is welcome to join us today!

Friday Foxes:

With warmer temps, we should be skiing on Friday! There is lots of snow at the Range!

BKL Practice Week of 1/1/2018

2 & 3 Day Skiers:

Tuesday: Classic! Although not as cold as last week, it will be cold, so bundle up! Parents, we really need a Walker Building Monitor this day to help kids warm up inside- please sign-up on the Sign-up Genius in my last post.

If you have klister on your skis, be sure to take it off before practice!  Here is a link to a great video by Boulder Nordic Sport:  How to Clean Klister from your Kickzone

While the ski-specific product known as “fiberlene” is great, old rags work just fine too. Paper towels will do in a pinch, but the true champion of this process are the good old blue “shop towels” available at many hardware stores.

Kick wax:   Wax the night before! Use Toko Green or X-treme Cold or Swix Special Green.  Anything for about 10F should work. If you can, iron in your first layer as a binder and follow with 2-3 more layers corked in. We will have wax benches out as usual at practice if you can’t do it before hand or if it needs to be altered.

Thursday:  Skate! Possibly Hot Chocolate if a Parent signs-up to help make it (Sign-up Genius Link)

3-Day Skiers & Racers:

Sunday, Jan. 7:  Stowe Nordic Cross-Cut Classic Race: Stowe Mt. Resort Cross-Country Center, 2km for BKL, Race starts at 12 noon, arrive at 10:30.  Register by 1/05/18 on  Ski Reg.

Update 1/03: Race time has been delayed to 1:30 pm start. Arrive at noon and look for MNC wax tent. 

E-mail Rosemary if going:

Friday Foxes:

Right now my weather app is showing a high of -5 F for Friday which may be a little cold for the Foxes. Let’s watch the weather and wind-chill and I will re-post on Thursday night. Check back then!

BKL Training Week of 12/18

2 & 3 day skiers:

We are hoping to have some Guest Coaches join us this week!

Tuesday 12/19:  Skate Technique.

Thursday 12/21: Classic Technique & Hot Cocoa & Snack Day!

  1. Look for the wax benches and send your kids with skis there to get waxed. Any parents who can, please help the kids get waxed! It helps to get to the Range EARLY!
  2. EVERYONE bring water jugs/bottles if you can to contribute to the Hot Cocoa (Water at the Range is not potable).  I will bring herb tea as an option.
  3. Bring  a snack to share- cookies, gorp, fruit, gluten free snacks are great – we have a couple of gluten free kids and at least one nut allergy so please label any baked goods accordingly. Parents with allergic kids should monitor their kids’ snacks.
  4. If you can help with putting out the snacks and making the hot cocoa, please e-mail Rosemary at

Saturday (3-day skiers): No practice this weekend. Ski on your own if you can!

Friday Foxes

More fun at the Range!  

People who picked up rentals:  Please label your equipment by applying a piece of painter’s (preferable) or masking tape to each ski, boot and pole and writing your child’s name on it.  About ten of the kids have identical equipment!


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