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Masters Continue Uphill Assaults

The MNC Masters have continued to push the envelope, building their uphill rollerski skills in preparation for the aforementioned epic showdown with the Peru Nordic Masters at the Climb to the Castle rollerski race. There is no official counter, but Mic-Drop Millar and Mix Master Mike Gaughan have what we believe is the record for number of skis up Bolton in a single month.

Not to be outdone, Slick Rick Costanza and Steve Craftmaster Flex continue to hit the climb as well, this week joined by Trick Daddy Ric Schaaf.

If you want to check out what all of our Masters are up to this week, and join in yourself, be sure to check out the Masters Training page!

MNC Masters Hip-Hop album cover? (photo from Craftsmaster Flex’s Strava)


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