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Masters Carpe Diem!

MNC Masters “seized the day” and got out to Sleepy Hollow for one last ski on Tuesday.  Mother Nature delivered about 10 inches of snow on Sunday and Monday and Sleepy Hollow jumped on it and groomed most of their trails for one last “hurrah”.  Some master skiers really made the most of the snow by alpine skiing or doing a “warm-up” nordic ski in the morning and then coming to afternoon/evening practice!

We celebrated the end of the season with cake (made by Coach Rosemary) and a toast with sparkling cider. It was great to see everyone after having to cancel all last week’s practices on short notice.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the Masters for skiing with us this year. You are a great, gung-ho, fun group of people! I know all our coaches really enjoyed coaching you.  I personally will miss you all next year when I spend the winter in far-off Austria following the World Cup Biathlon circuit! But for now, keep hiking, running, biking, walking, strength training, roller-skiing and I hope to see you out there on the trails and roads this summer!


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