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Fall rollerski safety

The days are getting shorter, and so it’s time for the annual re-post of this article from Fasterskier outlining safety tips and guidelines from US Ski and Snowboard with regard to rollerskiing on open roads.

Rollerski Safety Best Practices

We have an order on the way for several small lights that can be affixed to helmets or modified to fit on water belts during training sessions. These are ideally to be used in a situation where athletes do not have/forget to bring a light of their own going forward this fall. MNC encourages all rollerskiers to purchase a small “bicycle or running light” either online or at a local store, whether you are a Junior or Masters athlete. The cheaper options for these are only a couple of dollars and could literally save your life!

See below for a screenshot from a recent US Ski Team email. In his note to athletes regarding their upcoming Park City training camp:

In addition to always wearing high-visibility clothing on the roads, please be conscious of your routes and skiing organization (single file vs across a lane).

When we rollerski, we not only represent MNC as a club, but our sport as a whole. For the most part, we live in an extremely rollerski-friendly part of the country…not everyone is so lucky, and that access/friendliness is not a guarantee or a right.

Let’s all be safe whenever we are our training!

Rounding the final curve to end the last ski

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