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Eastern Cup 1: Sara’s notes

Turns out in addition to my blog post on Monday this week, Sara also wrote a recap of the first Eastern Cup in Waterville. Check it out below:

It’s race season! Last weekend the Juniors packed up a trailer, rented our first ever U-haul Chevy truck, and traveled to Waterville, Maine for our first Eastern Cup. Although the snow on the sides of the road slowly dwindled as we traveled south, our spirits were high when we reached Quarry Road.

The night before the first Eastern Cup I found myself running through the memories of training year 2023. I remember doing classic intervals on Road 101 last summer, where the juniors demonstrated classic striding so dialed I bragged about them to anyone who would listen. Then in September we entered the Keys to the Castle race in Lake Placid, where the juniors kept pace with the SMS T2 athletes on one of the most technical rollerski tracks in the country. Then just last weekend, I watched the athletes successfully plan and execute sprint tactics against college skiers in the Rodriguez Sprints.

So despite the tactical course, the tricky conditions, and the fast snow (or maybe because of these factors) we were “soups excited” as the juniors would put it. We’d been training for tough conditions, and we were ready for it.

The weekend did not disappoint. There was exciting head to head competition and tactical strategy. There were several spectacular crashes involving some broken equipment and a tattered race suit (although thankfully no serious injuries). We also faced setbacks in the form of cramped muscles, illness, and anxiety. Interestingly, many of the racers that experienced these challenges persevered to all-time best finishes, which just goes to show how results can be rewarded for perseverance in the face of adversity.

And results were had! There were definitely some turned heads and some raised eyebrows out there. We had podium finishes across the board, in U16, U18, and U20 divisions, in mens and women’s races, and in both classic sprint and skate distance events. Equally impressive were the improvements by athletes that had just completed their first season of summer and fall roller skiing, and took their ski racing to an entirely new level. But the ultimate victory was that MNC won the overall club competition for the first Eastern Cup!

I cannot imagine a more dedicated group of Junior athletes. Through setbacks in performance, injury, college applications, and hundreds of hours of training, they have made a commitment to the sport and community of Nordic skiing for the past few years of their lives. Together, they elevate the caliber of Nordic racing in New England. I feel so privileged to follow their progress and celebrate their successes.

If all this sounds like a scene you’d like to witness, the season is just heating up! Come over to Lake Placid or Craftsbury for the next Eastern Cups. You won’t be disappointed!

Kate Carlson (photo by Steve Fuller @flyingpoint)

Henry Sterner (photo by Steve Fuller @flyingpoint)

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