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Cool Fall Colors

The chilly mornings and long sleeves are here. Changing leaves, sickness and schoolwork all collide right about now…making for some interesting sessions as wel work toward the cold rain changing to cold snow!

Sammie skating up Bolton Notch Rd…according to some bike blogs it’s 28% grade at the steepest pitch, which is steeper than any part of Lincoln Gap! Since it’s not a mile long, it doesn’t get any street cred but that’s a mean hill. So of course it’s been on the radar to attack for a while now. In the video below you can see just how steep it is and just how hard it is to skate up without rolling back down the hill! Makes for a fun Wednesday morning:

Not all about the rolling though: we did a really good set of bounding intervals with our friends from St Mikes on Friday afternoon. We started at the Round Church alongside the UVM team who was coincidentally also training from the same spot. They were out for a roll/run combo toward Cochran’s but we took the other direction and headed to the new trails at Chamberlain Hill. It was sunny and the leaves had just begun to change, and things really felt like the crisp hard training days of autumn.

Richmond, VT lookin’ fine

Running out to some sweet trails. About a mile of pavement but after that it’s all dirt

It was back to wheels on Saturday for a bikegang ride at Perry Hill, and then a rollerski adventure in the Capital District of Montpelier!

Julia leads the gang in the pumptrack Saturday…

…and in the legit Montpelier skatepark on Sunday

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