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Busiest week yet?

We’ve definitely made it into June, as all of a sudden it seems like we’re capable of more and more every week. This was our first big volume week of the year and featured a little bit of everything.

On Tuesday we went to the Mud Pond trail network for some running intervals. On the north side of the system the mountain bike trail runs along a snowmobile trail, meaning it’s a long climb of pretty continual grade. Perfect for some smooth and fast L3 running. Things were pretty hot and humid but we only had a taste of what was in store.

On Thursday the humidity really hit and we had to sweat it out in the suburbs of Williston for a hot skate ski. The group is looking great on skis, carrying over progress from last year without a hitch. Here’s some video I shot as I rode my bike with the groups:

On Saturday we got to embark on an adventure involving a LOT of running. I’ve had my eyes on this loop for a while but I knew we’d need a good base of running fitness under us before attempting it with the group.

Since we’ve been getting after it on foot this spring, it was no problem! We started at the Round Church, ran on the trails up to the top of Cochrans, and then continued up and over the mountain eventually emerging near Huntington Gorge on Dugway Rd. From there it was about another 6 miles back on the dirt road and river trail back to the church. Nothing you can’t accomplish by running for 2 and a half hours straight!

Magda and Hanna might be over-exaggerating the fatigue a bit. These two crushed it! Super impressive.

Before the run I dropped my car on Dugway Rd and biked to the start so we could have a bail-out shuttle. It wasn’t needed, so Timmy gave me a lift back to the car where we decided to do some fishing. No fish, but we did snack on some Bobo’s

The Tour De Cochrans: up, over, and around

For Sunday, I put out the word for a bonus mountain bike ride at Saxon. It was an awesome turnout and in total (counting Steve, who took this photo) we had 10 Pugs all out tearing up the dirt.

Most of us also unintentionally decided to color-coordinate with blue I guess

It was the first real mountain bike ride ever for the #triplethreattrio (Ali, Sammie, Magda) and they crushed it! Just like the first few rollerski sessions, you just start with the basics and build up the confidence…although we split up to start by ability level, at the end we were all able to go out as a full group snaking our way through some of the lower trails. Pretty awesome feeling.

Ali rocking the turns getting ready to test out a new upgraded ride soon 🙂

Hey who is that stranger..?! Aidan has hung up his glove and bat until next spring and is ready to bust the ski poles back out


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