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BKL Wax Recommendation for Stowe Nordic Cross-cut

Glide Wax on Tips and Tails:  Toko LF or NF Blue or Swix LF or CH 4.  These are cold, brittle waxes that have to be scraped while still warm. Iron in, scrape after it gets hard, let cool completely, then brush.

Kick Zone: Scrape all old kick wax off & clean with base cleaner.  Lightly sand your kick zone with 150/200 grit sandpaper. Then rub on some Toko Base Green or other binder and iron it in. When it is very cool, rub on 2-3 layers of Toko X-treme cold or Swix Special Green (if you know your skis are on the stiffer side, go with more layers).

At the race site:  Rosemary, Adam, Coach Rick and others will be doing the 10k race and can help you wax when finished. If you kick waxed at home as suggested above, try out your skis first. If they’re not working correctly, find the MNC wax benches (probably right out front) and add a couple of layers. We can help you after we finish racing or you can do it yourself. We will leave the wax of the day out on the benches.

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