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BKL Practice Week of 2/14/22

Vacation Scheduling Reminders:

*No Racer practice 2/19 or 2/20.

*No regular practice 2/22 or 2/24.

* Craftsbury Day on Wednesday, 2/23. All invited. Meet at 10 AM at Craftsbury Outdoor Center for a long ski tour and some play on the hills. Details will be posted next weekend. $5 trail pass for kids, $10 for adults.

*Racers and everyone invited to NWVT BKL Mini-fest Relays at Rikert Touring center 2/27. Registration soon to be live on SkiReg. Relays and a mini-marathon on the beautiful trails at Rikert. You can sign up with a relay partner or we’ll find one for you! Details forth coming!

*Practice at the Range resumes on Tuesday, March 1st.

Practice this week:

Tuesday 2/15: Penguins Classic, Everyone else Skate

Penguins will do a special Valentine’s Day themed activity!

Jack Rabbits, Arctic Foxes & Racers:  It’s time for the Mini-marathon! How many k’s can you ski during our practice?  We will be skiing, skiing, skiing with stops only for water and a snack!  We will warm up and get organized from 3:45 to 4 and start all together at 4 pm.

  • I need a couple of parents dressed warmly to help with the lap counting and snack table! Please email me ( if you can help!
  • Each child should bring a water bottle LABELLED  with their name so they can get a drink when they need to. They can put it in the snow by the card table and fence.
  • We open up a snack table about half way through the marathon.  This year, I’d like to limit it to pre-packaged granola or sports bars so that we don’t share germs. It would be great if some parents would donate some boxes of bars for the snack table. Thanks!

Thursday 2/17: Classic

Right now the weather is forecasted to be 50 degrees F and raining. The Range sometimes closes on days like this, so be sure to check the website before you leave!  If we ski, wear a raincoat and if you have waxable skis, get ready to put on some klister!

  • We need some parents to help with Jack Rabbits 2- Peter Vile’s group- today. Email Rosemary ( if you can help!

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