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BKL Fun Fridays Recap


The MNC BKL kids have been getting out there having some fun already this fall. From soccer and coordination pre-ski activities to “Camouflage” in the fading light, we had great fun at Mill River Park on a lovely warm November Day. Our next BKL Fun Fall Friday was cancelled due to rain, but we were rewarded by having enough snow to ski on our last BKL Fun Fall Friday (which was actually held on a Thursday). A bunch of us made it over to Tomasi’s Field in Underhill which is going to be a great early snow site for BKL. BKL Coach Peter Davis grooms it and on the day we skied it was pretty darn good for only 2-4 inches of snow! The terrain features some nice rolling hills with a total of about 2.5 k of looping trails. Check out the pictures!

Soccer is always a favorite at Mill River Park!


Tomasi’s Field


It was a fun evening skiing under a dramatic darkening sky!

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